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dc.contributor.authorPearce, Jenny J.
dc.identifier.citationPearce J (2014) ''What's going on' to safeguard children and young people from child sexual exploitation: a review of local safeguarding children boards' work to protect children from sexual exploitation', Child Abuse Review, 23 (3), pp.159-170.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article draws on findings from research into the implementation by local safeguarding children boards (local government multi-agency panels responsible for child protection in England) of national guidance on safeguarding children from child sexual exploitation (CSE). Despite there being some excellent examples of practice, a lack of awareness of the issues faced by sexually exploited children or a lack of resources to address them meant that only a quarter were implementing the dual aim of the guidance: protecting children and prosecuting abusers. The research developed a data monitoring tool, its use showing that children experiencing CSE had multiple problems, many already receiving support from a range of service providers for other related problems. This suggests that there might be scope for better early identification and prevention of CSE. The research showed new forms of CSE, including peer-on-peer sexual exploitation, raising important questions about engaging with children who were both perpetrators and victims of abuse. Finally, research findings identified methods of disrupting and prosecuting abusers, giving insight into some of the complexities involved in achieving both. In the main, safeguarding children was best facilitated through co-located multi-agency teams where child protection and law enforcement practitioners worked together. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.en_US
dc.publisherJohn Wiley and Sons Ltden_US
dc.rightsYellow - can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)
dc.subjectlocal safeguarding children boardsen_US
dc.subjectsexual exploitationen_US
dc.title'What's going on' to safeguard children and young people from child sexual exploitation: a review of local safeguarding children boards' work to protect children from sexual exploitationen_US
dc.identifier.journalChild Abuse Reviewen_US

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