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dc.contributor.authorMathirajan, Muthuen
dc.contributor.authorDevadas, Rajeshen
dc.contributor.authorRamanathan, Ramakrishnanen
dc.identifier.citationMathirajan M, Devadas R, Ramanthan R (2021) 'Transport analytics in action: a cloud-based decision support system for efficient city bus transportation', Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 42 (2), pp.371-416.en
dc.description.abstractOptimising city bus transport operations helps conserve fuel by providing the urban transport service as efficiently as possible. This study develops a Cloud-based Decision Support System (C-DSS) for transport analytics. The C-DSS is based on an intelligent model on location of depots for opening new depots and/or closing a few existing depots and allocation of city-buses to depots. The C-DSS is built on the Cloud Computing architecture with three layers and includes an efficient and simple greedy heuristic algorithm. Using modern information and communications technology tools, the proposed C-DSS minimizes the cost of city bus transport operations and in turn to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in urban passenger transport. The proposed C-DSS is demonstrated for its workability and evaluated for its performance on 25 large scale pseudo data generated based on the observation from Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) in India.
dc.publisherIOS Press / Taylor & Francisen
dc.rightsGreen - can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF
dc.subjectintelligent transport systems (ITS)en
dc.subjectbusiness analytics (BA)en
dc.subjectintelligent transport systemsen
dc.subjectbusiness analyticsen
dc.subjectJ960 Transport Logisticsen
dc.titleTransport analytics in action: a cloud-based decision support system for efficient city bus transportationen
dc.contributor.departmentIndian Institute of Scienceen
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Bedfordshireen
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Information and Optimization Sciencesen
dc.description.note12m embargo
html.description.abstractOptimising city bus transport operations helps conserve fuel by providing the urban transport service as efficiently as possible. This study develops a Cloud-based Decision Support System (C-DSS) for transport analytics. The C-DSS is based on an intelligent model on location of depots for opening new depots and/or closing a few existing depots and allocation of city-buses to depots. The C-DSS is built on the Cloud Computing architecture with three layers and includes an efficient and simple greedy heuristic algorithm. Using modern information and communications technology tools, the proposed C-DSS minimizes the cost of city bus transport operations and in turn to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in urban passenger transport. The proposed C-DSS is demonstrated for its workability and evaluated for its performance on 25 large scale pseudo data generated based on the observation from Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) in India.

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