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dc.contributor.authorCortés-Jiménez, Isabelen
dc.contributor.authorDurbarry, Rameshen
dc.contributor.authorPulina, Manuelaen
dc.identifier.citationCortés-Jiménez, I., Durbarry, R., Pulina, M. (2009) 'Estimation of outbound Italian tourism demand: a monthly dynamic EC-LAIDS model'. Tourism Economics 15 (3):547en
dc.description.abstractAn almost ideal demand system with monthly frequency, in both long-run and dynamic forms, is used to quantify the responsiveness of Italian tourism demand to changes in relative prices, exchange rates, expenditure and unexpected one-off events in four main European destinations. Short-term elasticities, which are crucial for policies regarding own price, as well as cross prices and expenditure elasticities are derived from the dynamic model. It is also found that the dynamic model outperforms the long-run model in forecasting accuracy. This paper provides useful information for policymakers to maintain high market shares of Italian tourism demand.
dc.publisherIP Publishingen
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to Tourism Economicsen
dc.subjectalmost idealen
dc.subjectdemand system (aids)en
dc.subjecterror correctionen
dc.subjectItalian tourism demanden
dc.subjectmonthly frequencyen
dc.titleEstimation of outbound Italian tourism demand: a monthly dynamic EC-LAIDS modelen
dc.identifier.journalTourism Economicsen
html.description.abstractAn almost ideal demand system with monthly frequency, in both long-run and dynamic forms, is used to quantify the responsiveness of Italian tourism demand to changes in relative prices, exchange rates, expenditure and unexpected one-off events in four main European destinations. Short-term elasticities, which are crucial for policies regarding own price, as well as cross prices and expenditure elasticities are derived from the dynamic model. It is also found that the dynamic model outperforms the long-run model in forecasting accuracy. This paper provides useful information for policymakers to maintain high market shares of Italian tourism demand.

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