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dc.contributor.authorSwash, M.R.en
dc.contributor.authorFernandez, Juan C. J.en
dc.contributor.authorAggoun, Amaren
dc.contributor.authorFatah, O. Abdulen
dc.contributor.authorTsekleves, Emmanuelen
dc.identifier.citationSwash, M.R., Fernandez, J.C., Aggoun, A., Abdulfatah, O.,Tsekleves, E. (2014) 'Reference based holoscopic 3D camera aperture stitching for widening the overall viewing angle' 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON), Budapest, 2-4 July 2014en
dc.description.abstractHoloscopic 3D imaging also known as Integral imaging is a promising technique for creating full color 3D optical models that exist in space independently of the viewer. The images exhibit continuous parallax throughout the viewing zone. In order to achieve depth control, robust and real-time, a single aperture holoscopic 3D imaging camera is used for recording holoscopic 3D image using a regularly spaced array of small lenslets, which view the scene at a slightly different angle to its neighbour. However, the main problem the holoscopic 3D camera aperture faces is that it is not big enough for recording larger scene with existing 2D camera sensors. This paper proposes a novel reference based holoscopic 3D camera aperture stitching method that enlarges overall viewing angle of the holoscopic 3D camera in post-production after the capture.
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work has been supported by European Commission under Grant FP7-ICT-2009-4 (3DVIVANT).en
dc.subject3D cameraen
dc.subject3D displayen
dc.subjectholoscopic 3D imageen
dc.subjectintegral imageen
dc.subjectmicrolens arraysen
dc.subjectimage processingen
dc.subjectimage sensorsen
dc.titleReference based holoscopic 3D camera aperture stitching for widening the overall viewing angleen
dc.typeConference papers, meetings and proceedingsen
dc.contributor.departmentBrunel Universityen
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Bedfordshireen
html.description.abstractHoloscopic 3D imaging also known as Integral imaging is a promising technique for creating full color 3D optical models that exist in space independently of the viewer. The images exhibit continuous parallax throughout the viewing zone. In order to achieve depth control, robust and real-time, a single aperture holoscopic 3D imaging camera is used for recording holoscopic 3D image using a regularly spaced array of small lenslets, which view the scene at a slightly different angle to its neighbour. However, the main problem the holoscopic 3D camera aperture faces is that it is not big enough for recording larger scene with existing 2D camera sensors. This paper proposes a novel reference based holoscopic 3D camera aperture stitching method that enlarges overall viewing angle of the holoscopic 3D camera in post-production after the capture.

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