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dc.contributor.authorOchieng, Berthaen_GB
dc.identifier.citationOchieng B.M.N. (2011) 'The effect of kin, social network and neighbourhood support on individual well-being', Health & Social Care in the Community, 19(4),pp.429-437en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores the effects of kin, social network and the neighbourhood on an individual's well-being. The material is drawn from a community-based qualitative study that explored the attitudes and experiences of African-Caribbean adolescents and their families in the north of England towards healthy lifestyles. A convenience sample of 10 African-Caribbean households units comprising 24 adolescents (12-18 years of age) and 18 adults (22-60 years of age) participated in the study with interviews conducted in their homes. The paper focuses on the adult participants' perception of the role of social support networks and neighbourhood effects on well-being. An in-depth interview schedule was used to explore participants' perceptions on barriers to health and healthy lifestyles; and factors facilitating and inhibiting good health and healthy lifestyles. Data were subjected to thematic analysis with the aid of a Qualitative Data Analysis software package. Emerging categories were discussed with participants by conducting post interview visits and at community events.
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishingen_GB
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to Health & Social Care in the Communityen_GB
dc.subjectAfrican-Caribbean communitiesen_GB
dc.subjecthealth beliefsen_GB
dc.subjectsocial networken_GB
dc.titleThe effect of kin, social network and neighbourhood support on individual well-beingen
dc.identifier.journalHealth & Social Care in the Communityen_GB
html.description.abstractThis paper explores the effects of kin, social network and the neighbourhood on an individual's well-being. The material is drawn from a community-based qualitative study that explored the attitudes and experiences of African-Caribbean adolescents and their families in the north of England towards healthy lifestyles. A convenience sample of 10 African-Caribbean households units comprising 24 adolescents (12-18 years of age) and 18 adults (22-60 years of age) participated in the study with interviews conducted in their homes. The paper focuses on the adult participants' perception of the role of social support networks and neighbourhood effects on well-being. An in-depth interview schedule was used to explore participants' perceptions on barriers to health and healthy lifestyles; and factors facilitating and inhibiting good health and healthy lifestyles. Data were subjected to thematic analysis with the aid of a Qualitative Data Analysis software package. Emerging categories were discussed with participants by conducting post interview visits and at community events.

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