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dc.contributor.authorGelman, Andriyen_GB
dc.contributor.authorDragotti, Pier Luigien_GB
dc.contributor.authorVelisavljević, Vladanen_GB
dc.identifier.citationGelman, A., Dragotti, P.L. and Velisavljevic, V. (2011) 'Interactive multiview image coding', 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, 11-14 September. Brussels: IEEE, pp.601-604.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe authors propose a novel multiview compression method for multiview images. The algorithm supports random access for interactive applications and has low storage requirements. The fundamental component of the method is the layer-based representation, which partitions the dataset into redundant layers characterized by a constant depth value. We exploit the redundant property of each layer and remove the side information uncertainty using Distributed Source Coding (DSC) principles. In comparison to independent coding, our method achieves a PSNR improvement of 3dB. Furthermore, we present a rate-distortion (RD) analysis which demonstrates that the proposed algorithm can achieve a better performance in comparison to independent coding.
dc.subjectimage codingen_GB
dc.subjectimage representationen_GB
dc.subjectrate distortion theoryen_GB
dc.titleInteractive multiview image codingen
dc.typeConference papers, meetings and proceedingsen
html.description.abstractThe authors propose a novel multiview compression method for multiview images. The algorithm supports random access for interactive applications and has low storage requirements. The fundamental component of the method is the layer-based representation, which partitions the dataset into redundant layers characterized by a constant depth value. We exploit the redundant property of each layer and remove the side information uncertainty using Distributed Source Coding (DSC) principles. In comparison to independent coding, our method achieves a PSNR improvement of 3dB. Furthermore, we present a rate-distortion (RD) analysis which demonstrates that the proposed algorithm can achieve a better performance in comparison to independent coding.

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  • Centre for Wireless Research (CWR)
    The Centre for Wireless Research brings together expertise in the areas of mobile and wireless sensor networks. The breadth and depth of the expertise make the Centre rich with research and innovation potential.

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