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dc.contributor.authorPorretta, Marcoen_GB
dc.contributor.authorNepa, Paoloen_GB
dc.contributor.authorManara, Giulianoen_GB
dc.contributor.authorGiannetti, Filippoen_GB
dc.contributor.authorDohler, Mischaen_GB
dc.contributor.authorAllen, Benen_GB
dc.contributor.authorAghvami, A.Hamiden_GB
dc.identifier.citationHancke, G.P. and Allen, B. (2006) 'Ultrawideband as an industrial wireless solution', Pervasive Computing, IEEE, 5 (4), pp.78-85.en_GB
dc.description.abstractA novel algorithm that makes use of a single base station to locate mobile terminals in cellular networks, by resorting to a triangulation technique supported by minimal information about the environment in the base station neighbourhood, is presented. The algorithm is shown to perform well when operating in a microcellular environment and perfect channel estimation is assumed.
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to Electronics Lettersen_GB
dc.subjectchannel estimationen_GB
dc.subjectmicrocellular radioen_GB
dc.subjectradio direction-findingen_GB
dc.subjectwireless networksen_GB
dc.titleUser positioning technique for microcellular wireless networksen
dc.identifier.journalElectronics Lettersen_GB
html.description.abstractA novel algorithm that makes use of a single base station to locate mobile terminals in cellular networks, by resorting to a triangulation technique supported by minimal information about the environment in the base station neighbourhood, is presented. The algorithm is shown to perform well when operating in a microcellular environment and perfect channel estimation is assumed.

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  • Centre for Wireless Research (CWR)
    The Centre for Wireless Research brings together expertise in the areas of mobile and wireless sensor networks. The breadth and depth of the expertise make the Centre rich with research and innovation potential.

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