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dc.contributor.authorMinocha, Sonalen_GB
dc.identifier.citationOut There . . . Out There in the Distance: A Management Choreopoem 2008, 14 (6):1041-1046 Qualitative Inquiryen_GB
dc.description.abstractA creative piece blending the boundaries of poetry and prose-a style unique and consistent with the authors other research articles. In this it becomes an attempt to bring creative research methodologies to the forefront of organisation and management research
dc.publisherSage Publicationsen_GB
dc.rightsArchived with thanks to Qualitative Inquiryen_GB
dc.subjectmanagement, embodiment , dance, poetryen_GB
dc.titleOut there . . . out there in the distance: a management choreopoemen
dc.identifier.journalQualitative Inquiryen_GB
html.description.abstractA creative piece blending the boundaries of poetry and prose-a style unique and consistent with the authors other research articles. In this it becomes an attempt to bring creative research methodologies to the forefront of organisation and management research

This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Centre for Leadership Innovation (CLI)
    CLI aims to explore the nature of leadership needed for healthy, effective, high performing and sustainable organisations, stimulate research and research-related activity within the sphere of management, in particular with regard to the strategic direction of organizations and the management and development of human resources.

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